기적은 멈추지 않았습니다.1 기적은 멈추지 않았습니다. https://quod.lib.umich.edu/e/eebo/A35963.0001.001/1:2?rgn=div1;view=fulltext;q1=%E2%86%82;q1=a;q1=%CA%8Ba Miracles not ceas'd to His Grace George Duke of Buckingham &c., of his miraculous cure and of the rest of all the most wonderful Miracles not ceas'd.TO HIS GRACEGEORGE Duke of Bucking∣ham, &c. Of his miraculous Cure, and of the rest of all the most wonderfull and glorious Miracles and Cures,.. 2023. 1. 18. 이전 1 다음