The religions or belief systems of the modern world. |
The subject of the use of thermodynamics in religion, in either defense or refutation, is termed religious thermodynamics. Power defined by thermodynamics, in the modern scheme of things (see: human chemical thermodynamics), usurps supernatural power (or higher power) defined by god or religion.
The following is a relevant synopsis-themed overview:
“Re (0:50): ‘when black people were taken from Africa to America … they were forcefully converted to Christianity’, this reminds me of Greydon Square:‘Spoon fed this religion from the slave ship. They used faith to justify bringing slaves here. All the conducts and the rules in the good book. You swear by it, but failed to take a good look. You’re completely sold. Just two centuries ago slave owners swore you didn’t even have a soul. Now you blindly defend a faith, that was used to plunder pillage and rape a whole entire race.’
The irony here is that Christianity is an African religion, namely the Osiris anointed (i.e. “christened” with resurrection oil) branch of the father Ra born out of the keme (-ham), i.e. black fertile soil (“Egyptian” or Kamite), following the flood (Ab-) belief system of Heliopolis, and their Nile river flood pyramid rising creation myth, aka the Ab-ra-hamic faiths (or Anunian theology). [Ѻ] Therefore, a person complaining about being spoon-fed their own cooking is a bit humorous, reminiscent of the witty Alan Watts: ‘Anybody who tells you that he has some way of leading you to spiritual enlightenment is like somebody who picks your pocket and sells you your own watch.’ Whatever the case, the taste of the cooking was so good that we all ended up eating some of the stew; resultantly, 75 percent of the modern world still eats that same cooking of Abraham (Christian/Islam name for Ra) or Brahma (Hindu name for Ra), all the children of the world arguing (i.e. going to war) with each other about who has the better recipe.”— Libb Thims (2015), post to “Why are Black Atheists Rare?”, Jun (Ѻ)
World religions | Ra classified
The following show the sub-branches of the "Father Ra Born of Nun" (Abrahamic/Brahmaic) faith based religions that currently dominate the mindsets of 72% of the modern world, otherwise known in ancient days as Anunian theology or Ra theology (aka Egyptian mythology):
World Religions Distribution
Ab-Ra-ham-ic faiths: (53%) | Christianity (33%) | Islam (20%) | Judaism (0.2%) | Baha’ism (0.1%) | Mandaeism (0.001%) | |||||||
B-Ra-hma-ic faiths: (19%) | Hinduism (13%) | Buddhism (6%) | Sikhism (0.4%) | Jainism (0.07%) | ||||||||
Non-religious/Atheist: (15%) | Secular (12.6%) | Atheist (2.5%) | ||||||||||
Other-religions: (13%) | Chinese religions (6.4%) | Ethnic religions (4.2%) | New religions (1.7%) | Spiritists (0.2%) | Confucians (0.1%) | Shintoists (0.05%) | Zoroastrians (0.005%) | |||||
Life | Death theories
It should be noted that Neanderthal thinkers, 70,000-years ago, had ideas on life, death, and some version of continued life, owing to the fact that they buried their dead with food, artifacts, and red ochre.
Circa 2006 world religious affiliation, grouped according to their mutual Ra-centrism. |
The most-quote Bible verse, to exemplify, is John 3:16 (c. 90AD), which states that “that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have eternal life,” which signifies that 33 percent of the modern world wants eternal life. The basis of this quote is the Osiris resurrection theory (c. 2500BC), the world’s first mummy, and the Egyptian theory of the afterlife.
Modern science is slowly replacing the outdated theories of religions, although not without conflict. Of these sciences, those of human thermodynamics, human chemistry, and human physics are in direct conflict with various core teachings of religions, e.g. free will, evolution, life, death, afterlife, morality, etc., and in this sense are acting as modern replacements for the tenets of latter; albeit, not without heated debated often infused with emotional discussion.
First law | bond energy
In the context of a world belief in the theory of the soul, when one attempts to explain that modern theory discerns that each person is molecule, the first question that comes to mind is the objection that: "but, I have a soul, that may go to the afterlife, and that this process is under the governance of God."
The modern interpretation of this, i.e. how life, death, and universal continuity, connect to one another, according to modern science, can only be studied through or in the context of the first law of thermodynamics, in which the death (cessation) of a person is quantified by changes to the internal energy of one's thermodynamic system and the transformation of this energy or interaction at the boundary of the system. This type of logic is studied in cessation thermodynamics, which theorizes about post-cessation transformations of human chemical bonds and the human molecular bond energy, remaining as this residual energy signature, and how this resides or transforms remaining and connected (coupled) systems and those human molecules contained therein.
What happens when you die?
See main: What happens when you die?The following table shows religious views on death ranked by world population adherence, based on data from the 2002 Time Almanac:
Religious texts
# Religion % What happens when you die? 1 Christians 32.8 Believers go to heaven after resurrection and judgment. Non-believers go to hell. 2 Muslims 19.6 Believers go to paradise after resurrection and judgment. Non-believers go to hell. 3 Hindus 12.8 Human and animal spirits reincarnate to live many times in different forms; souls move up and down an infinite hierarchy based upon behaviors in past lives; ultimate aim is to find oneness with Brahman or God. 4 Non-religious 12.8 5 Chinese religions 6.4 One becomes an ancestor spirit, with a continued existence, possessing the ability to influence the fortune of the living. 6 Buddhist 6.0 The spirit of the departed goes through a process lasting 49 days, divided into three stages called "bardos"; at the conclusion of which, the person either enters nirvana (liberation) or returns to earth for rebirth (reincarnation). 7 Ethnic religions 4.2 One goes into the spirit world. 8 Atheist 2.5 One's body is recycled in nature. 9 New religionists 1.7 10 Sikhs 0.4 one goes through an endless cycle reincarnation or rebirth attempting, through salvation, to obtain spiritual union with god. 11 Jews 0.2 If a person lived a good life, they are rewarded with spiritual closeness to God in the afterlife. If the person sinned, they are punished by a spiritual detachment from God. 12 Spiritists 0.2 The human personality survives death in the form of a 'spirit', which can communicate with the living through a sensitive 'medium'. 13 Bahais 0.1 The soul passes into the next world, where its spiritual development in the physical world becomes a basis for judgment and advancement in the spiritual world of states of nearness or distance from God. 14 Confucians 0.1 Discussions on the world after death are neglected; focus is on achieving social harmony while alive. 15 Jains 0.07 The soul is reborn if it has karma attached to it; if it has rid itself of karma, it achieves 'moksha' is freed from rebirth and floats to the top of the universe where it dwells in bliss. 16 Shintoists 0.05 Spirits of the dead go to the mountains, above the sky, below the earth, or beyond the horizon. 17 Other religionists 0.02 18 Zoroastrians 0.005 On the fourth day after death, the soul is reunited with its fravashi (guardian spirit), in which the experiences of life in the material world are collected for the continuing battle in the spiritual world. 19 Mandeans 0.001 The soul, released from exile, returns to supreme Entity after death.
The following is a chronological table of the ancient religious texts germane to development of modern practiced religions:
A “Two Ways to Go” religious humor cartoon (Ѻ) by Watson Heston, one downward to hypocrisy and faith, the other upward to investigation and reason. |
The following are related quotes:
“Religion is the daughter of virtuous action.”— Kirsha Misra (1200), The Rise of the Moon Intellect [5]
“We will establish our religion by the sword. We will trample down our enemies and make them one gore of blood from the Rocky Mountains to the Atlantic Ocean. I will be to this generation as a second Mohamed whose motto in treating for peace was ‘the Quran or the sword’. So it shall be with us.”— Joseph Smith (1838), founder of Mormonism, Oct 14 (Ѻ)
See also
● Atheistic religion
● Science vs religion debates
● Science v. religion legal cases
● Science-religion controversy
● Bible vs. physical science conflicts
1. (a) Greenberg, Gary. (2002). 101 Myths of the Bible: How Ancient Scribes Invented Biblical History. Source Books, Inc.
(b) Chemistry (etymology) – Wikipedia.
3. Thims, Libb. (2010). “RIP for Dummies (parts: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6).” YouTube, Jan 21.
4. Moyer, Ernest. (2005). “Parallels between Osiris and Jesus”,
5. Maithila (Kirsha Misra) (Ѻ). (1200). Prabôdha chandrôdaya, or Rise of the moon of intellect: a Spiritual Drama ; and, Âtma bodha, or The knowledge of self (translator: J. Taylor). (Ѻ). Publisher, 1893.
6. Sagan, Carl. (1985). The Varieties of Scientific Experience: a Personal View of the Search for God (religion, pg. #). Penguin, 2006.
Further reading
● Blumberg, Antonia. (2015). “The 30 Least Religious Cities in the United States” (Ѻ), Huffington Post, Aug 8.
External links
● Religion – Wikipedia.
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