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Cyrus le Grand -Xenophon.

by 이덕휴-dhleepaul 2022. 8. 27.
Title: Cyrus le Grand the entire story Done into English by a person of quality and dedicated to the late King
Author: Xenophon.
Table of contents Add to bookbag
The Contents of the eight Bookes following:THE FIRST BOOKE.The Prooeme, treating of Monarchies, Democraties and Oligarchies.CHAP. I. The Customes of the Persians in governing their Natives. How Cyrus was insti∣tuted during his Child-hood in the discipline of vertue, with other children of his age in the publique Schooles.CHAP. II. How Cyrus went into Media with the Queene his mother: where he shewed many tokens of his good nature and pregnant wit unto King Astyages: semblably of his temperance and sobrietie.CHAP. III. How the Queene mother Mandane returned into Persia, and Cyrus abode behind in Media; where he gave himselfe much to Horseman-ship and feats of Armes. And with his owne hand killed many wild Beasts.CHAP. IIII. How Astyages through the politicke Counsell of Cyrus, wonne a victory of the Assyrians, who were come to invade his Territories.CHAP. V. How Cyrus returned to his father into Persia: and what honour the Medes did him at his departure.CHAP. VI. The beginning of the Warres betweene the Assyrians and the Medes. Of the Forces that Cyrus levyed in Persia, to aide the King of Media his Vnkle.CHAP. VII. The Oration of Cyrus to the Peeres and Chieftaines of his Army, for to incite them to enterprize this warre, with the better courage.CHAP. VIII. The good instructions that Cambyses gave unto his sonne Cyrus, as touching the enterprize against the Assyrians: and how a good Captaine should carry him∣selfe with his Army in a strange Country, and winne the love of every man.CHAP. IX. How a Prince may gaine the obedience of his people, vanquish his enemies and get the attribute of Wise and Vertuous.
제목: Cyrus le Grand의 모든 이야기는 고인의 왕에게 바쳐진 훌륭한 사람에 의해 영어로 번역되었다.
 저작자: Xenophon.
목차. 책가방에 추가
8권의 내용은 다음과 같습니다.

첫 번째 부크.프로에메, 군주제, 민주당, 과두정치를 취급한다.

페르시아인들이 원주민들을 통치하는 관습들.사이러스가 유년기에 어떻게 현기증 훈련을 받았고, 그와 비슷한 또래의 다른 아이들이 공립학교에 다녔는지.

CHAP. II.사이러스가 어떻게 어머니 킨과 함께 미디어로 들어갔는지: 그는 아스티아게스 왕에게 그의 선량한 성격과 임신한 재치를 많은 증거들을 보여주었습니다: 그의 절제와 비아티에티.

CHAP. III.퀸의 어머니 만다네가 어떻게 페르시아로 돌아왔는지, 그리고 키루스는 메디아에 살았고, 그곳에서 그는 그에게 말들의 배와 아르메스의 위업을 많이 주었다.그리고 그의 손으로 많은 야수를 죽였다.

CHAP. IIII.키루스의 정치 카운셀을 통해 아스티아게스가 어떻게 그의 영토를 침략하러 온 아시리아인들의 승리를 얻었는가.

CHAP. V. 키루스가 페르시아에 있는 그의 아버지에게 어떻게 돌아갔는지, 그리고 그가 떠날 때 메데스가 그에게 어떤 영광을 안겨줬는지.

CHAP. VI.아시리아인들과 메데스인들 사이의 전쟁의 시작이다.키루스가 페르시아에 징집한 군대 중 하나는 미디어 왕을 보좌하기 위해서였다.

제7장키루스가 그의 군대의 피레스와 치프타이인들에게 보낸 연설은 그들이 더 나은 용기를 가지고 이 전쟁에 참가하도록 선동하기 위한 것이다.

CHAP. VII.캄비세스가 아들 키루스에게 준 좋은 명령, 아시리아인을 상대로 한 장기에 손을 대는 것, 그리고 훌륭한 선장이 낯선 나라에서 군대와 함께 그를 데리고 다니며 모든 사람의 사랑을 얻어야 한다는 것.

CHAP. IX.군주가 어떻게 백성들의 복종심을 얻고, 적을 물리치고, 현명하고 현혹적인 속성을 얻을 수 있을까.

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Author / [Publication date]Title
Xenophon. / [1632] Cyrupædia The institution and life of Cyrus, the first of that name, King of Persians. Eight bookes. Treating of noble education, of princely exercises, military discipline, vvarlike stratagems, preparations and expeditions: as appeareth by the contents before the beginning of the first booke. Written in Greeke by the sage Xenophon. Translated out of Greeke into English, and conferred with the Latine and French translations, by Philemon Holland of the city of Coventry Doctor in Physick. Dedicated to his most excellent Maiesty.
Xenophon. / [1623] The historie of Xenophon containing the ascent of Cyrus into the higher countries. VVherein is described the admirable iourney of ten thousand Grecians from Asia the Lesse into the territories of Babylon, and their retrait from thence into Greece, notwithstanding the opposition of all their enemies. Whereunto is added a comparison of the Roman manner of warres with this of our time, out of Iustus Lipsius. Translated by Ioh. Bingham.
Xenophon. / [1685] Kyrou paideia, or, The institution and life of Cyrus the Great written by that famous philosopher and general, Xenophon of Athens, and from the original Greek made English, the first four books by Francis Digby ..., the four last by John Norris.
Xenophon. / [an. M.D.xxxij. 1532] Xenophons treatise of housholde

reference: https://quod.lib.umich.edu/e/eebo?cginame=text-idx;id=navbarbrowselink;key=author;page=browse;value=x

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